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At Eastport, we aim to be your keel, as on a boat – your point of balance, giving you directional stability. We help you get beyond thinking of money as the deep and unpredictable water you’re in. With our knowledge as your ballast, money can be the body that buoys you, propelling your good and purpose-rich life.

Keel Magazine

Income Splitting in Canada

Income Splitting in Canada: A Closer Look at Its Benefits

While Canada’s tax system is beneficial for the country in many ways and a lot more equitable than other tax systems around the world, there’s no denying that tax obligations can put a burden on a family’s finances.

Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

Effective Strategies for Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

Homeownership is a goal that everyone aspires to, as it offers a sense of security, both in economic terms and in sentiment. Families rest easy knowing they are in THEIR home and nobody can take it away from them.

Offshore Investments

Offshore Investments and Canadian Tax Laws: What You Should Know

For many wealthy Canadians, borders are meaningless as their interests and investments span many countries.

Jonathan Lewis presents Critical Illness Insurance

Eastport Financial is now offering Critical Illness Insurance

Canada's healthcare system is currently failing us – with long wait times and a real lack of family doctors. Is there a 'Plan B' for risk management for our kids, company team, ourselves? Watch as Jonathan discusses a new Eastport Financial insurance offering – Critical Illness Insurance.

Retired couple relaxing on couch

Pension Income Splitting: An Underutilized Tax Benefit

Living off your pension is hard enough without the Canadian government taking a percentage of that income in taxes. In fact, for many pensioners, their end-of-the-year tax bill is one of the biggest ticket items or expenditures they need to worry about when planning their finances.

Digital Assets

How to Handle Digital Assets in Estate Planning?

There is no denying that we live in a digital world today. A world that is constantly and exponentially advancing, bringing more aspects of our daily lives into its ambit with each passing day.

quarterly report January 2024

Matthew Jenkinson, President of the Eastport Private Investment Counsel, provides our January 2024 Video Quarterly Update

In this Video Quarterly Report, Matthew dives into Benchmarking and he also provides an economic update – with a discussion around CPI, inflation, and Canadian household savings.

Retiring with mortgage

Things To Consider When Retiring With A Mortgage In Canada

While retirement is a time for celebration it is also a time for reflection. Ideally, upon retiring we all want to enjoy life to the fullest, especially, after all the years of hard work and sacrifices we have made. However, all of this isn’t possible if you are getting close to retirement but still have substantial debt.

Mortgage Free

Effective Strategies for Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

It is the dream of every Canadian to have their own house or property where they can spend the rest of their lives happily raising future generations. However, in these economically oppressing times, buying property, especially in Canada, is becoming exceedingly difficult.

Fourth Quarter image

Eastport Market and Economic Summary – January 2024

The start and end of 2023 presented starkly different scenarios for investors. The year began with trepidation following a tumultuous 2022 but concluded on a high note as inflation slowed and equities yielded substantial returns.

Navigating Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Navigating Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in Canada

The stock market has long been a way to make additional income, with some investors making significant gains on their investments. However, stocks tend to be volatile, especially in today’s economic climate.

Compound Growth

How To Take Advantage Of Compound Growth?

Compound growth is an often reliable and secure way of expanding your wealth, by making an investment where the return you get grows and grows with each payout.

 Eastport has 14th Annual Turkey Drive

Eastport has 14th Annual Turkey Drive!

Turkey Drive LogoEastport Financial held our annual turkey drive again this year, handing out turkey dinners to families so that they can celebrate Christmas at home. Another amazing event, and the drive was full of Christmas cheer spread out over two days. This year, we served the Halifax, Dartmouth, Bridgewater, and Lewisporte, Newfoundland areas.

Creating a Family Limited Partnership

The Benefits of Creating a Family Limited Partnership

If you and your family are running a business or have significant investments, and you’re looking for a way to organize, protect, and streamline your family interests, then one of the better options is a Family Limited Partnership, or ‘FLP’ for short.

Tightrope walker

Strategic Portfolio Management: Creating a Balance

When it comes to investments, there’s no doubt it’s important to look at the return on investment, but when you’re considering the overall investment or enterprise, you need to think beyond that.

Shami Hordagoda becomes a Canadian Citizen

Shami Hordagoda becomes a Canadian Citizen!

Shami moved to Halifax from Sri Lanka and she loves working at Eastport. Often the first point of contact with our clients, Shami makes people feel welcome while serving as Executive Assistant to Jonathan.

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