PROTECT – Insurance
We take all your financial considerations—your assets, capital, investments, legacy, family and relationship dynamics, relationships, businesses, challenges, and goals—and blend with the latest government policy, succession implications, and societal trends around estate planning and tax integration.
Many people think they know what they need to protect their assets through life and beyond. But when we shine the light of discovery to strategize your insurance portfolio, we often realize it’s time to either redirect—you’re headed for a pothole—or we find an advantage you’ve been missing all this time.
Our Asset Protection Planning Process
Once we get a sense of your assets and goals, we sit down with your whole team—lawyers, spouses, business partners, accountant, controller—and begin a whole-picture collaboration. We suggest potential priorities, and then work together to triage the list to what’s most important to you and your team. Then we set out to reveal any gaps or obstacles in your financial strategy.
Most people’s default position is to do nothing. We don’t often anticipate that the family will fight over our assets, or it feels inevitable that the government will take half. But there are many other options that sow the seeds of long-term wealth protection.
Whether you sell assets or build more; launch a family trust; or implement a waisting or cascading freeze, insurance is central to your succession, estate, tax plan, and positive family dynamics.
But there are more levers. When we work with your team to plan, we spark a holistic blend of legal, accounting, and insurance expertise. This is the territory of financial revelations.
We advise and implement based on your priorities, collaborating with your accountants and lawyers to propel your legacy no matter how challenging the waters around you.
Canada's healthcare system is currently failing us – with long wait times and a real lack of family doctors. Is there a 'Plan B' for risk management for our kids, company team, ourselves?
First, the trust is earned. Then the work can commence." – Andrew Parrott

“I’ve been keeping my money busy, but feel a need to level up. What’s your starting point for assessing how well my capital is working for me?”
“So far, my entrepreneurial ventures have been all about instinct. What do I need to bring to the table to be more methodical in my planning?”
“Everyone else seems to have more to work with. Can I get where I want to be?”