GROW – Investments
We gauge your capacity for risk in two ways to develop a keen understanding of where you are today, where you want to be, and what matters most. Before a single dollar goes to work, we aim with precision.
First, how you invest depends on your objectives and constraints. We quantify your ability to assume risk based on your time horizon, ability to save, assets and liabilities, any legal, tax or specific constraints, amongst others.
Then we look to your qualitative capacity; your willingness to assume risk. How and where you invest depends on not only quantifiable factors, but on your willingness, comfort, and confidence. It’s informed by your history, values, purpose in life; all the things which make you. How have you fared through all the tipping points that have shaped you? Has your employment been steady and predictable, and is that a priority for you? Or are you familiar with shouldering a degree of risk, perhaps as an entrepreneur?
First, we set our capital market expectations. The balancing act of strategic asset allocation follows—for which we bring specialists alongside.
This is our view on current economics and events which affect each market to which we allocate portions of your investable capital. As an example how do we think, based on the research and evidence at hand, Canada will do and how does that affect the TSX and domestic bond market?
The balancing act of strategic asset allocation follows. Where will your money perform at its best based on our capital market expectations? We lack a crystal ball to predict the future, but good investing is all about informed, nuanced, and methodological speculation. If we believe Canada is headed into a strong spell in comparison to the US, we might increase your allocation of Canadian equity.
Thereafter we need specialists in each strategic asset allocation category to make the investment decisions; this is called tactical asset allocation. Who’s going to decide which Canadian stock or which foreign bond to purchase? These are both very different and highly specialized areas, and we can’t expect any single person to be best at both. Ultimately we have many strategic asset classes, all of which need specialists. We go out and find the best fund managers available in each category to do this for you.
Our goal is to draw on deeply proficient and tax-conscious specialists who minimize the government’s claim to maximize your legacy.
Imagine a farmer whose interest fades the moment he sees a green shoot or a baby calf—the point at which his job is only just beginning. The smart farmer cares just as much (if not more) about how well he fertilizes or feeds, harvests, stores, and delivers to market. If he doesn’t maximize the output of his soil—protecting that new growth—he will not be prosperous.
Tax efficiency is that kind of wealth protection, and it takes many forms. It might be a decision to pull back on excessive trading (and your taxable realized gains) or a very precise investment within your ownership or legal structure. To determine the right route for you—which may shift over time along with your life events and those of the world—we draw on deeply proficient, tax-conscious specialists who minimize the government’s claim to maximize your legacy.
The right portfolio gives you the best chance of success to reach your goals. At Eastport, it’s our passion to master the levers that will tilt the odds in your favour.
We’ve designed our business with the flexibility to seek out high performers to put the best most proven people on your portfolio. We seek out specialists, who chose your investments one-by-one, in each asset class, using a mutual fund structure to give you liquidity and access to the fund managers available.
At Eastport, our specialists chose your investments one-by-one. In each asset class, we use a mutual fund structure for the best possible liquidity and access to the best fund managers.
We vet all aspects of each fund, examining its management and team for the most desirable elements that suit the needs of your portfolio, life, and goals. We quantify the fees, returns, and risks of every fund, and then go deeper to qualify their portfolio integration, team dynamics, and the depth and breadth of their talent. Finally, we always ensure a fund shares our integrity, drive, and love for the work they do.
As an independent firm, we’re not hemmed in by any company. We choose the best based on merit, and on what’s most important to us and to your success.
We’re a sound company that cares about great performance and impact. We engage like-minded, purposeful people on your behalf.

"For the last decade I’ve been entirely focused on building my business. Is it too late for me to do the same for my personal legacy?"
"I take risks as an entrepreneur, but don’t want to tie up my personal assets. How can I make sure the money I invest can respond to my needs?"
"The world is politically, socially, and economically unstable right now. How will you respond to that instability with my investments?"